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What Counts As HCG Allowed Food

By Diane Rogers

There have been many diet fads throughout the years, but one of the most extreme uses a hormone that is naturally produced in the human body, notably during pregnancy. In order for this diet to achieve the desired weight loss and fat burn, calories are severely restricted. There are also specific diet plans that use only items from an hCG allowed food list.

The diet calls for two meals a day, lunch and dinner. Each one can contain only 250 calories, so this is a starvation diet. No butter, oil, or sugar is allowed, and any meat must be trimmed so no fat remains. The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)is taken orally in homeopathic pellets, drops, or spray.

There are four food groups you can choose from. Each meal has one protein, one bread, one vegetable, and one fruit. The low calorie count means that most medical doctors won't approve such a plan. However, within the limited scope, the meals are balanced and varied.

You may be surprised to see that one bread item is offered twice a day. However, this is not as exciting as it might sound. The portion is one bread stick or one slice of Melba toast. This is hardly a feast for bread lovers. However, it does make a change in texture and flavor from the meat and veggies.

For protein, you can choose white fish, veal or beef, breast of chicken, or a portion of lobster, crab, or shrimp. All meat and seafood will be grilled, so no added fat is needed for cooking and no nutrition lost in boiling. All visible fat must be trimmed from the meat or the calorie count will zoom higher.

Green leafy vegetables are on the list, including spinach, chicory, chard, green lettuce, and beet greens. Other vegetable choices are red radishes, celery, fennel, cucumbers, asparagus, onions, and cabbage. Tomatoes are also allowed, which might surprise those used to low-carb diet plans. That's it for the vegetables that a dieter can choose from.

Fruit can be an apple or an orange. You could choose one half of a grapefruit, or several strawberries. To round out this 'dessert' menu, you can have all the coffee, tea, or water that you want. To visualize a 250 calorie plate of four items off this list, you will need to check out the calorie count per serving of each food and put them together.

Critics of the use of hCG say that such severe restriction of calories would result in dramatic weight loss without adding the hormone. They say that there are no clinical results that point to appetite control, increased thermogenesis, faster metabolism, or any effect on the thyroid. However, many people report feeling more able to stick with the program while taking the hormone, and many feel that the combination makes losing stubborn fat easier than with any other diet plan. You will have to make up your own mind about trying this regime, which is said to 're-set' your metabolism and make maintaining an ideal weight possible once the diet is over.


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