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Tips To Improve Sport Performance

By Peter Kelly

You can be a healthier person by taking part in exercises. This is because exercising is one of the ways by which a person can deal with worry, stress, depression and increase blood flow in the body. For these reasons, you may want to look for more tips on how to improve your sport participation. Once you are able to develop the habit, it becomes easier for you to carry on with them.

Taking too much water can lead to excess sodium loss from your body. While exercising, you may feel the urge to drink up to one liter of water as a result of fatigue. However, you don't have to drink much to improve your sport performance since you only need between 0.55 and 0.8 liters of water to rehydrate. Apart from losing so much sodium, excess hydration comes with other challenges you wouldn't want to experience.

Just like water, the body also needs to replace energy during sports. However, you are not expected to supply the exact amount of calories you use up. The recommended calorie intake during exercise is 300 calories per hour. Even though you may use up to 700 calories, be assured that the remaining can be generated from body fats. Trying to replace the exact amount you burn can lead to vomiting or nausea.

Do not also take simple sugars while exercising. Simple sugars are also known as unrefined sugars and they are not very healthy for the body. You can find them in carbonated drinks, sweets, gums and processed foods like pastries. It is better to consume complex carbohydrates which include foods such as wheat bread and corn.

You are also expected to take protein when replacing calories lost during exercises. As a matter of fact, this is what the body does without your approval so if you fail to take some proteins, you will be at the danger of allowing your body do it automatically by feeding on the muscles. Recommended proteins are soy products and whey protein. Whey protein is more suitable for use after exercise.

Calcium intake is also important for athletes as it helps to strengthen the bones. Apart from building the bones, calcium is also needed for proper contraction of the muscles. Rich sources of calcium include yogurt, soy milk, fortified orange juice, sardines, soybeans, spinach and milk. Athletes who are lactose intolerant can do well by taking calcium supplements.

If you want to be among those athletes with bodies that respond to the training they do, you must also learn how to create time for sleep. Taking a short rest after an exercise is a good way to let the body remember what it has to do. Besides, an athlete that rests well will not feel dizzy during the main sport so it is easier for him to take quick actions in the field of play.

If you want to avoid injuries in the field and also improve your immune system, then you must learn how to sleep well. Resting before a match is good because your nerves relax and your coordination improves. You will be able to take good decisions when playing and also prevent injuries.


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