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Discover How Kent WA Chiropractor Alleviates Whiplash

By Eve Briner

The most common cause of whiplash is a car accident, mostly when one car has been rear-ended by another car. This collision causes the necks and sometimes the backs of passengers to be jarred with abrupt force either back and forth or side to side. Many whiplash victims don't immediately feel the pain, but it will usually start to manifest the next day. Occasionally it can take months or even weeks for the pain to manifest itself. What can a Kent chiropractor do to help victims alleviate whiplash pain?

Chiropractic assessments and exams are used by professional care providers in order to ascertain the exact nature of an injury. Assessments are typically essential in order to devise and implement a more effective pain management strategy. For those who have been involved in an accident, making an appointment with a Kent WA chiropractor can be an important step.

A chiropractor can use slow movements and short thrusts to perform spinal manipulation. They can also move the joint involved gently towards its area of restriction to encourage healing and help to create mobility. Moving your joints into alignment will help to relieve pain and promote healing.

Chiropractors can help to relieve your tension using calm, gentle stretches toward the affected muscles. These stretches can sometimes be combined with using finger pressure techniques that can relieve pain in certain pressure points. A Kent chiropractor can use McKenzie exercises, which are specifically targeted toward reducing any disc derangement that's been caused by whiplash.

Care providers can also work with clients in order to make lifestyle changes that have the potential to be beneficial. Getting more exercise, learning proper methods to stretch or performing specific exercises may aid in the recovery process. Having even a short conversation with a trained professional can provide a great deal of useful information.

Chiropractic procedures may produce superior results when used in concert with other methods and therapies. Selecting a better care provider will ensure that clients have access to the full range off resources they may need. It always pays to work with a chiropractor that may have more to offer.


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