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Picking Out The Right Recumbent Bicycles

By Barbara Morgan

Getting back into exercising can be a great way to improve the health of your heart and lungs. If it's been some time since you've been active and done cardio, recumbent bicycles might be a wonderful choice. These bikes have a larger seat and provide a rest for your back, which makes things easier on your whole body while you are out and about.

If you've had a back injury in the past and do not want to tweak it again by riding a regular bike, this style might be exactly what you need to get back on the open road. As long as you are cleared by your doctor to resume rigorous physical activity, you should be able to get a lot out of it. You will not feel any discomfort as you are coasting along the road enjoying the breeze with friends.

Safety always comes first no matter how fast you plan on riding. A solid helmet will help you stay secure should you happen to take a little tumble. Helmets are flashy these days, and you can pick out a sleek design that makes you look like a racer. As long as the helmet has been made by a good company, you can count on it to protect you.

Choose a bike that has the right kinds of tires for what you want to accomplish. Not all tires are the same, and some are thinner than others to allow you to build up speed on the road. In most cases, you'll be leisurely riding around the neighborhood to get in some exercise, and you can do with this the standard width tires that come with the bike.

You might spend some time looking over local maps to see if there are parks where you can ride. State parks often have miles of back roads where you can pedal along and not be bothered in the slightest by traffic. Some roads will be in better condition than others, so check them out carefully before you decide to go on a bike ride of several miles.

Always consider the overall price of the bike when you are coming to a decision. There are a number of excellent models that are available for reasonable prices. Comb through your favorite catalogue or visit your favorite store to compare costs and settle on something that you'll be happy to ride for a number of years with your friends.

If you currently have a significant other who loves to ride, you can look for a tandem bike that works for both of you. A romantic cruise through the neighborhood can be quite nice on the quiet evenings of summer once the sounds of the day have begun to fade. Riding together is a great way for you to become closer as a couple.

You will ultimately want to find a bike that fits your body type. As long as you sit in it and try it out for at least a few minutes, you'll end up being very pleased indeed with your purchase. You'll feel right at home taking it for a spin.


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